Sunday, November 7, 2010

Peacock Feathers

These peacock feather bracelets went right away at yesterday's show. I can't wait to attempt this again. I loved the effect of the blue combination but want to work on making the lime green more prominent. The craft fair went well. The best part was when a lady came up wearing a bracelet she had bought a few weeks ago and wanted to see what I had that was new. I'll never forget when we did craft fairs in the late 80's. My aunt "J" loved to bring her yard chair and "help" me. She had a quirky sense of humor and most people thought she was a bit cantankerous. She spoke loudly and was very outspoken as well. She'd sit behind the table and exclaim, "I'll swannee,child. There sure are more ugly people than there are pretty ones, don't you think?" She'd comment on hairstyles, clothing choices, whether children had been taught manners or not-anything she observed that amused her or was out of the ordinary-and all in a stage whisper that could be heard for blocks. I miss her. I didn't sell much at those shows, but the chutzpah she had... ah the chutzpah!


  1. I love peacock feathers, and one of my very best friends had a wedding this summer that involved peacock feathers! She even incorporated them into her dress. If you make these again soon, please email me (look me up in the school directory)--I'd love to present this bracelet to my newly wedded friend for her Christmas present this year. -Rachel C.

  2. After Thanksgiving, I'll work on this. Thanks!
